Banreservas showcases Dominican culture at Fitur

Banreservas showcases Dominican culture at Fitur

Madrid. -A night with the pride and signs of Dominican culture, it was experienced by hundreds of Dominicans summoned by the Reserve Bank at the La Zarzuela Racecourse, within the framework of the International Tourism Fair (Fitur 2024).

The guests, before entering the large central hall, were greeted at the entrance of the racecourse by 12 dancers and three instrumentalists, dancing to the sound of ojala que llueva café, in a version recorded by its creator, Juan Luis Guerra.

Dozens of clients and their partners, journalists from some 40 media outlets that covered Fitur's incidents, members of the Board of Directors of Banreservas, upon entering the room, enjoyed tastings of Dominican rum, cigars made annually on site, salcocho, and catibias, dipped in avocado paste, empanadas among other cultural offerings of national cuisine.

The guests were received by the general administrator of Banreservas, Samuel Pereyra, his wife Noelia García de Pereyra (president of the Banreservas Volunteers), with whom they shared the day designed to proudly show the signs and flavors of the Dominican. The Minister of Tourism, David Collado, was also present at the colorful ceremony.

Pereyra meant that, for the Bank of all Dominicans, it is essential to promote our culture, which is so expressive, colorful and varied and that identifies us as a people with unique characteristics in the world.

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Part of the guests at the Dominican night offered by Banreservas at the Hipódromo de la Zarzuela, in Madrid

“We have begun in our management, the strengthening of everything that means the Dominican cultural essence, because we understand ourselves in the duty of always validating the profile of the national social body,” said Pereyra.

To the Quisqueyan offering, Dominican music was added to the rhythm of merengue by the Bongo Band orchestra, which danced to the best-known songs of the national rhythm. This group is made up of Dominican musicians and singers residing in Spain.

When that orchestra played, the guests indulged in dancing our merengue for more than two hours.

Two singers who arrived from Santo Domingo to perform that night were Adalgisa Pantaleón and Roger Zayas Bazán, who provided lead vocals in part of the repertoire offered that Dominican night.

Other elements of the Dominican were the dance of the dance group of dancers, performing meringues with their bodies and an impressive costume of long silk flights, over whose musical band fragments of the poetry There is a country in the World, by Pedro Mir, exhibiting the creative quality of the national poet.

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