CONACOOP Emphasizes the Importance of Democracy and Sustainability in Its Cooperative Congresses

CONACOOP Emphasizes the Importance of Democracy and Sustainability in Its Cooperative Congresses

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300 delegates from national cooperatives and from Spain, Cuba, Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Honduras and Curacao attend. Announces that the UN declares 2025 as the International Year of Cooperatives. similar to what happened in 2012

PUNTA CANA. Dominican Republic. The Dominican cooperative sector proclaimed that democracy and leadership are more social tools towards sustainability and to have economically viable cooperatives that are established as beacons of hope, justice and equity.

The consideration is expressed in the main speech of the XI National Cooperative Congress and the VIII International, the president of the National Council of Cooperatives, Eufracia Gómez Morillo.

The two cooperative congresses take place at the Convention Center of the Barceló Bávaro Beach Hotel, in Punta Cana, from October 24 to 27, 2024.

The cooperative leader announced that 2025 will be declared by the United Nations as the International Year of Cooperatives, similar to the 2012 proclamation, an opportunity in which a global agenda of events was developed around the social utility of the cooperative sector. .

On the occasion of this commemoration, the United Nations will call on countries to reflect and act on the role of cooperatives in the development of the most vulnerable population sectors.

When inaugurating the two cooperative congresses, Gómez Morillo maintained that democracy is the heart of the cooperative and that it is not just about making collective decisions, but about empowering each member to have a say in the direction of our cooperative. The prayer to entrust the meetings to God was pronounced by Anaisa Pérez, cooperative leader.

“By fostering a culture of inclusion and participation, we not only strengthen our cooperatives, but we also promote a sense of belonging. When each member feels heard and valued, cohesion and trust are consolidated, allowing us to face any challenge with determination and unity. Gomez Morillo said.

He argued that effective democracy needs leadership that inspires and mobilizes and that is transformative, that does not seek power for its own sake, but is dedicated to serving and empowering others and considered that a leader in the cooperative context must be a facilitator. , a mentor, an advocate for equity and justice.

He warned that cooperatives cannot achieve their long-term goals without a genuine commitment to the well-being of our communities and the planet. “It is the responsibility of cooperative leaders to promote sustainable practices, not only in economic terms, but also in social and environmental terms.”

Alcha Belassir Khayati de la Direccion de Economia Social del Ministerio de Trabajo

RD, invited to Social Economy Strategy

The inaugural conference of the two Cooperative Congresses was given by Alcha Belassir Khayati, from the Directorate of Social Economy of the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy of Spain, who created a specific State Secretariat for the Social Economy. She said that her country approved the first Spanish Strategy for the Social Economy (2017-2023) in the European Union, to strengthen and expand the sector for its capacity to create decent employment, promote social inclusion and contribute to sustainable development. This strategy has recently been renewed with the Spanish Social Economy Strategy 2023-2027.

And he announced that contacts have begun, with Senator Julito Fulcar, to integrate the Dominican Republic into the Ibero-American Network for the Promotion of the Social and Solidarity Economy (RIFESS) that includes Brazil, Colombia, Spain and Mexico, Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala , Paraguay. He explained that work is being done to expand the network with an invitation extended to Argentina, Panama and Ecuador, in addition to the Caribbean nation.

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The IDECOOP director

Maritza López de Ortiz, president-administrator of IDECOOP, said that she arrived a month and 21 days ago at the Dominican Institute of Development and Cooperative Credit and that her goal is to transform it from the Cinderella that she perceives it to be, into a princess with the ability to provide effective support. to the growth of a strong, transparent cooperative sector with full adherence to the best financial and social practices for the benefit of nearly two million members of the sector.

He recalled that this Friday, October 25, IDECOOP celebrates 61 years of having been founded, on the occasion of which it is strengthened in the principles that gave rise to it.

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Reserves Foundation

María Isabel Pérez, president of the Banreservas Foundation, said that this institution, the Bank of All Dominicans, has drawn a line of support for the Dominican cooperative sector because it is aware of the development potential it implies for vulnerable sectors.

Pérez told the cooperative directors and members who attend these biannual events that the Foundation has established as one of its preferred areas of impact for cooperative projects due to its transparency and compliance.

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The presidential advisor

Dr. Miguel Polanco Wessin, leader of the El Progreso Cooperative, of Yamasá, and advisor to the Executive Branch in the area of ​​cooperatives, highlighted the progress that Dominican cooperativism has had before international organizations in the sector by being elected to senior positions. .

He was referring to the election as president of the Confederation of Cooperatives of the Caribbean, Central and South America (CCC-CA), of Eufracia Gómez Morillo and of Cástulo Vida, as new president of the Latin American Confederation of Savings and Credit Cooperatives (COLAC).

Polanco Wessin highlighted that Dominican cooperativism is strengthened at the highest level and that the number of Dominicans joining a cooperative is increasing.

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By Chorotega and CCC-CA

José Enrique Núñez, member of the Council of Directors of the CCC-CA and the Chorotega Cooperative, thanked CONACOOP for calling on the sister cooperatives of the Central American and Caribbean region, it is a call that strengthens the relationships established years ago. productive exchange of experiences.

Núñez highlighted that the Dominican cooperative sector is an international benchmark for the Latin American sector and that, from Honduras, the men and women of Cooperativa Chorotega also contribute their effort and talent to improve the living conditions of Hondurans.

Dagoberto Morillo, president of the Federation of Cooperatives of the Eastern Region, welcomed those attending the congresses and highlighted the importance of the unity of the sector and the need to promote democracy and sustainability as guiding standards for the sector.

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