Denouncing Child Labor: A Call to Action in the Dominican Republic

Denouncing Child Labor: A Call to Action in the Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo.- “I have learned so many things in Canillitas that I never knew before. Since I joined the program, I have become a different person,” Moisés happily confesses. He is one of the central figures in a documentary that sheds light on child labor in the Dominican Republic, a program initiated by the Spanish Christian organization Misiones Salesianas.

The documentary, titled “Canillitas,” was directed by acclaimed Spanish filmmaker Raúl de la Fuente, a two-time winner of the Goya Award. It premiered this week in Madrid and offers a moving look at the lives of Moisés and five other minors who share their difficult situation.

The term “Canillitas” refers to children who eke out a living on the streets, imitating the race by moving their legs quickly.

The film uncovers the vulnerability and dangers faced by children working on the streets of Santo Domingo. It also highlights the positive impact of the Salesian program, which has been dedicated to eradicating child labor around the world for almost half a century.

“Before joining Canillitas, I had no friends or playmates in my neighborhood. My daily routine consisted of leaving school and running out to shine shoes,” explains Moisés during the press conference in Madrid where the documentary was presented.

Through the Salesian program, he not only learned to make friends but also acquired literacy skills, developed good character, and fostered camaraderie with his peers. The program also expanded its horizons with activities such as camps, outings, and sports.

Karen Montás, who has been involved with Don Bosco in the Dominican Republic for two decades and serves as the director of “Canillitas,” recounts her initial shock at witnessing the deep vulnerability of the country, marked by overcrowding, insecurity, and pollution.

“I remember telling my mother that I felt guilty for eating because there were children who hadn’t eaten that day,” she confesses.

Montás initially felt discouraged, believing that no progress was being made. However, she later realized that it is a gradual process that involves a change in mentality, working closely with families and, most importantly, with schools since education is essential to alter reality.

“It’s amazing when a child discovers that they can read, understand traffic signs, or decipher product labels. Witnessing this transformation is incredible,” she reveals.

Additionally, there has been a transformation in career aspirations over time. At first, they all aspired to be a police officer or a reggaeton singer, which reflected the little exposure they had in their neighborhoods.

“But when, for example, you take them to a hotel and show them that they can become managers, or you take them to an office and show them that they can work there, more possibilities open up for them, and they dare to dream. That is the most beautiful aspect of it all,” she says.

“The reasons why these children get involved in work are diverse, and Salesian missionaries have answers for each case: conflicts, poverty, orphaned children, displaced children, domestic servitude… for us, education is the key. It is a collaborative effort between governments, families, and civil society,” argues Raquel Fuente, head of International Cooperation for the Development of the Salesian Missions.

The documentary is part of the “Soñar sin Cadenas” campaign, through which the NGO exposes the rights violations faced by more than 160 million boys and girls who are forced to work, depriving them of education.

More than 63 million girls and 97 million boys are trapped in child labor, representing almost 1 in 10 minors. It is alarming that almost half of them, approximately 79 million, are subjected to work that endangers their health and lives.

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