InterEnergy Group Emphasizes the Need to Speed Up the Energy Transition at COP28

Dubai, UAE.- At the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) held in Dubai, Rolando González Bunster, president and founder of InterEnergy Group, shared his vision on the need for collaboration between governments, the private sector, and multilateral organizations to achieve sustainable, reliable, and affordable energy matrices.

During his interventions he shared the stage with prominent professionals such as Juan Ignacio Rubiolo, Executive Vice President and President of International Business of AES; Max Puig, executive vice president of the National Council for Climate Change and the Clean Development Mechanism; as well as executives from Bank of America.

In these panels, he advocated for strategic alliances that promote innovative and sustainable solutions, crucially necessary to transform generation matrices towards renewable and transition sources.

The credibility and reliability that InterEnergy has consolidated over more than three decades is supported by solid capitalization that places it in a privileged position to attract strategic investments and continue its commitment to decarbonization and the adoption of sustainable technologies, according to González. Bunster.

In this sense, the president of InterEnergy Group highlighted the importance of collaborating with renowned financial institutions, such as Bank of America, which materialized last year in a green loan to support these investments in sustainability. Additionally, he emphasized the strategic alliance with AES on key projects, demonstrating the company’s willingness to forge partnerships that drive sustainability.

Furthermore, in line with the COP28 guidelines, González Bunster stressed the importance of increasing financing for adaptation and investment in climate resilience. During his intervention in the panel “Climate change and energy resilience: the path to a reliable and sustainable matrix”, he highlighted the importance of balancing the sustainability of renewables with efficient costs and investments in storage systems.

“From the CEPM Zero project, announced at COP26, we are exploring innovative solutions based on storage batteries and pumped hydraulic energy, with an estimated investment that exceeds USD 1,000 million to achieve the decarbonization of CEPM in this decade,” stated the executive.

The CEPM Zero initiative includes the installation of photovoltaic parks in the Dominican Republic, with the aim of turning it into a sustainable development model of global reference. The company celebrated milestones such as the electrification of Saona Island with renewable energy and the upcoming inauguration of the first electric station for electric vehicles in the Caribbean.

González Bunster’s participation in this global event reinforces InterEnergy Group’s position as a leading player in shaping a cleaner and more sustainable energy future worldwide.

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