ITSC marks its 2nd Gastronomic Tourism Congress centered on showcasing Dominican cuisine

San Luis, Santo Domingo Este – The Instituto Técnico Superior Comunitario (ITSC) has demonstrated, once again, its commitment to the education and promotion of gastronomy and tourism in the Dominican Republic. During October 18 and 19 of this year, the ITSC held its second Gastronomic Tourism Congress, this time dedicated to exploring and exalting the culinary wealth of the Caribbean nation.

The event, coordinated by the area of gastronomy of the Academic Vice-Rector’s Office,under the direction of Yuderka Monción, attracted a diverse audience of around a thousand people. Among the attendees were students from the gastronomy majors of the institute itself, students from technical secondary education, representatives of higher education institutions, sponsoring companies and enthusiasts from the culinary and tourism world.

The inauguration of the congress featured opening remarks from the ITSC rector, Pedro Quezada, and the academic vice-rector, Carlos Mendieta. During his speech, Quezada expressed his gratitude to the participating institutions and sponsoring companies. In addition, he highlighted the work of the institute’s gastronomy and tourism programs in the promotion and appreciation of Dominican cuisine.

The first day of the event was packed with talks and keynote presentations. Dr. Gilberto Soto, director of the UNPHU School of Hospitality, shared his vision of “Smart Gastronomic Tourism.” Chef Carlos Estévez offered an enriching look at “Dominican Cuisine as Gastronomic Heritage.” Also, chefs Luigi Puello and Nicole Baba focused on the importance of teaching by the Dominican Culinary Institute (ICD) to promote local gastronomy.

San Luis, Santo Domingo Este – The Instituto Técnico Superior Comunitario (ITSC) has demonstrated, once again, its commitment to the education and promotion of gastronomy and tourism in the Dominican Republic. During October 18 and 19 of this year, the ITSC held its second Gastronomic Tourism Congress, this time dedicated to exploring and exalting the culinary wealth of the Caribbean nation.

The event, coordinated by the gastronomy area of the Academic Vice-Rector’s Office, under the direction of Yuderka Monción, attracted a diverse audience of around a thousand people. Among the attendees were students from the gastronomy majors of the institute itself, students from technical secondary education, representatives of higher education institutions, sponsoring companies and enthusiasts from the culinary and tourism world.

The inauguration of the congress featured opening remarks from the ITSC rector, Pedro Quezada, and the academic vice-rector, Carlos Mendieta. During his speech, Quezada expressed his gratitude to the participating institutions and sponsoring companies. In addition, he highlighted the work of the institute’s gastronomy and tourism programs in the promotion and appreciation of Dominican cuisine.

The first day of the event was packed with talks and keynote presentations. Dr. Gilberto Soto, director of the UNPHU School of Hospitality, shared his vision of “Smart Gastronomic Tourism.” Chef Carlos Estévez offered an enriching look at “Dominican Cuisine as Gastronomic Heritage.” Also, chefs Luigi Puello and Nicole Baba focused on the importance of teaching by the Dominican Culinary Institute (ICD) to promote local gastronomy.

This second Gastronomic Tourism Congress had the support of various sponsors, including the Ministry of Youth, Nestlé Dominicana, Aderes (Dominican Restaurant Association), Baltimore Dominicana, Arroz la Garza, Cenpa, United Brands, Cortés Hermanos, A&B Master, Bepensa, Mamajuana Spicy, Coopsigir, La Fabril, Casabe Guaraguanó, Mamajuana Spicy, Royal Prestige, Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Punta Cana, Café Farfán and Comedor Josy.

The artistic part of the congress was carried out by the talented groups of the ITSC Art and Culture Area, as well as the Folkloric Ballet of the Ministry of Tourism of the Dominican Republic (MITUR), together with its Typical Ensemble.

The second ITSC Gastronomic Tourism Congress has consolidated its importance as a high-level event that promotes and celebrates the richness of Dominican cuisine and tourism in the region. With keynote presentations, conversations, culinary demonstrations, and artistic presentations, this congress has further strengthened the position of the Dominican Republic in the world of gastronomy and tourism. The ITSC continues to be a beacon of knowledge and excellence in the Caribbean.

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