The Dominican Digital Media Observatory announced the nominees for the 2023 National Digital Journalism Award, an initiative supported by Banco Popular and the Punta Cana-Macao Energy Consortium (CEPM). The announcement was made by journalist Cristal Acevedo, president of the Observatory, who reported that this year the Award ceremony will be held in the Aída Bonnely Room, of the Eduardo Brito National Theater, on Tuesday, November 28 at 6:30 p.m.
late. 2022 Digital Media Award Nominees It is an initiative of the Dominican Digital Media Observatory that seeks to recognize journalistic works, digital media workers, journalists and digital media that have persisted in the search to generate #BetterContentforInternet, a fundamental objective of the Dominican Digital Media Observatory. The design of the statuettes, like last year, will be in charge of Grabo Estilo, thanks to the support of businesswoman Sulín Lantigua, owner of the company. The 2023 nominees are:
Digital journalist of the year – Joel Sardá from elnuevodiario.com.do, Joel Suero from deultimominuto.net, Melissa Correa Corner of the newspaper hoy.com.do, Nairobi Viloria with its digital space “I explain it to you”
Best digital native newspaper – almomento.net, deultimominuto.net, elpregonerord.com, robertocavada.com
Best digital report – “Coral reefs: marine forests under threat,” written by Massiel de Jesús Acosta from eldinero.com.do. “From Carla Massiel, Liz María and Willenny: cases of girls that have shaken the DR,” written by journalist Ana Aybar from rccmedia.com.do.
Best innovation project in digital media – “I’ll explain it to you” by journalist Nairobi Viloria. Editorial in the voice of listindiario.com.do.
Best digital media program – Doctor Controversia, elnuevodiario.com.do. Confronted, from elnuevodiario.com.do. Together as a family, by extra86net. Transform yourself, with Lolita Suárez, from elnuevodiario.com.do.
Best digital version of a printed medium – Free Diary. The new daily. Daily List. Today Newspaper
After announcing the nominees, Acevedo specified that, like every year, the “Grand National Prize for Digital Journalism” will also be awarded, which will be awarded to a journalist who has extensive experience in digital media and who has promoted the sector. For this year, that award will be named after the late veteran journalist Robert Vargas, as will be announced in the previous installment. The evaluation criteria for the National Digital Journalism Award are: quality of content, trajectory, media impact and application of digital journalism resources in the structuring of the managed platform and content.
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