Storm Franklin departs the Dominican Republic

Punta Cana, RD.- The center of Storm Franklin left Dominican soil on the afternoon of this Wednesday the 23rd and is already in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean heading north.

At 5:00 p.m. local time, much of the country is covered by clouds associated with Franklin, driven by its circulation, an activity that will continue to generate moderate to heavy downpours that can become intense at times, which will continue to be the main threat for flooding. gradual or sudden, as well as urban and landslides in the areas of greatest risk, so the population must continue under the guidance of official institutions that strictly and closely monitor this hydrometeorological event

The COE, in its 4:00 p.m. local bulletin today, August 23, discontinues the Tropical Storm alert from Pedernales, the Haitian border, to Punta Palenque. And it maintains the alert for Punta Palenque up to Montecristi, the border with Haiti in the North of the DR. This area may have incidences of Storm Franklin in the next 36 hours, says the alert.

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