ProDominicana and ProIndustria Partner to Streamline Investor Procedures

Santo Domingo, RD.- With the objective of promoting the competitiveness and productivity of the Dominican Republic, the Export and Investment Center of the Dominican Republic (ProDominicana) and the Industrial Development and Competitiveness Center (Subindustry) signed a collaboration agreement to expedite procedures and through the Single Investment Window of the Dominican Republic (VUIRD).

In this sense, the executive director of ProDominicana, Biviana Riveiro Disla, indicated that this agreement was made with the purpose of streamlining processes and transparency procedures for investors who wish to establish industries in the country, and in this way favor their development, competitiveness, and profitability of this important sector for the Dominican economy.

It should be noted that during the January-June 2023 period, foreign direct investment reached a total of US$2,153.0 million for an interannual growth of 5.3% equivalent to an absolute increase of an additional US$109.2 million. This value is positioned as the largest FDI flow in the first semester in the last decade 2014-2023.

“We are sure that this alliance will support the production and marketing processes of Dominican industries due to the large number of jobs they generate in the country and also their flexibility to adapt to new technologies, which is why the president’s government of the Republic Luis Abinader has worked in favor of this important sector,” he indicated.

In that order, the general director of Proindustria, José Ulises Rodríguez Guzmán, explained that both parties agreed to give priority to requests for licenses, permits, and/or certifications made by investors to Proindustria, through the VUI.

Rodríguez highlighted the commitment to guarantee the distribution and logistics mechanisms of products at the national level and in international markets, understanding that the country’s industries represent one of the main columns in the Dominican economy.

Likewise, Riveiro highlighted that this agreement implies the mobilization of resources and will to take advantage of the country’s new development opportunities with the complementary support of platforms that articulate tools such as; Data Market, SAIM, RAMI, among others.

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