rewrite this title Crowne Plaza Santo Domingo reaffirms its commitment to preserving the environment through an alliance with Nuvi PET

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Santo Domingo.- The hotel Crowne Plaza Santo DomingoRecognized for its commitment to excellence in the Dominican Republic's hotel industry, it has joined the group of companies that support the Collective Societyled by the non-profit association NUVI PETThis initiative's main objective is to promote environmental sustainability and raise ecological awareness in the country's industrial and service sectors.

NUVI PET, since its creation in 2020, has promoted a crucial transition from a linear economy model, characterized by the use and disposal of products, towards a circular and sustainable economy. This approach makes it possible to transform waste, particularly PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles, a plastic widely used in food and beverage packaging, into valuable resources. It should be noted that PET, although recyclable, can take up to 450 years to completely decompose if not managed properly, which aggravates the global problem of plastic pollution.

In this context, NUVI PET has set the ambitious goal of collecting 90 million pounds of plastics in the next five years. This effort seeks to mitigate the negative effects of plastics on ecosystems, while encouraging new waste management systems in the country. The decision of the Crowne Plaza Santo Domingo Joining this program reflects your commitment to preserving the environment and your active role in promoting sustainable practices.

«We are convinced that companies must take a proactive stance in protecting the environment. For this reason, we have decided to take part in this important initiative as part of our environmental responsibility actions.“, he declared Carmen OrtizGeneral Manager of the hotel. Ortiz also highlighted the devastating impact of plastics on ecosystems and reaffirmed the hotel's commitment to educate and inspire its employees, guests and the community at large to adopt responsible waste management practicesespecially plastics.

Since the beginning of this year, 2024, the Crowne Plaza Santo Domingo has stepped up its efforts to reduce single-use plastics, implementing measures such as training talks and replacing various plastic items with more sustainable options. These actions are aligned with the principles of NUVI PETwhich facilitates the collection and recycling of PET in the country. Ortiz emphasized that the hotel will continue to invest in the education of its staff and providing tools so that each team member is a change agent in the fight for a more sustainable future.

Crowne Plaza Santo Domingo
Crowne Plaza attendees at training

The hotel's participation in this recycling program is a concrete example of how companies can make a significant difference in protecting the environment by committing not only to improving their operations, but also to positively impacting the community and the planet.


NUVI PET NUVI is a system for the recovery and valorisation of PET plastic bottles in the Dominican Republic. Its objective is to collect bottles through NUVI Points, where consumers can deposit them correctly to ensure their recycling. These bottles, once recovered, are compacted and sent to recycling plants where they are converted into 100% recycled resin, thus contributing to the reduction of plastic waste in landfills and ecosystems, promoting the circular economy. Currently, NUVI has managed to collect more than 4.85 million pounds of PET, thus avoiding large amounts of CO2 emissions and the use of natural resources.


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