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Punta Cana. After that Alexander Rodriguez, district director of La Otra Banda, He stated that a large part of Veron It belongs to his district, that municipal official has just poured more fuel on the fire.

Now Rodriguez went from words to actions and, surprisingly, not only began to demarcate the territory of The Other Band according to his own criteria, but he changed the name of the municipal district that he heads, calling it «The Other Band Punta Cana»which has generated various reactions in the local political class.

“Welcome to La Otra Banda Punta Cana.” This is what the sign Rodríguez placed on the Coral Highway says, indicating that the region he administers begins in that territory.

The first to react was the senator for The Altagracia, Rafael Baron Duluc (Cholitin)who reminded Rodríguez that the changes in names and boundaries of municipal districts are the responsibility of the National Congress and not of the Boards of Representatives or Councils of Aldermen.

Karina Aristy, Mayor of HigüeyHe also responded to Alexander Rodriguez's occurrence, citing the law 39-87which was the one that elevated the category of La Otra Banda to a municipal district of Higüey.

Article 1 of the law referred to by Karina Aristy It says: “The section La Otra Banda, included in the territorial jurisdiction of the municipality of Higüey, province of La Altagracia, is hereby established as a Municipal District, with the name of the Municipal District of La Otra Banda, which will be made up of the sections of El Bonao, Duyey and Cruz de Islefio, with their corresponding places.”

“It is good to seek advice and information,” Karina wrote on her X account. This clarification confirms what Senator Barón Duluc said, in the sense that in order to change the name of that territorial demarcation, the legislation that created it must necessarily be modified. And the latter is the sole power of the National Congress.

Rodriguez's arguments

Rodríguez has expressed his intention to recover spaces that, according to him, have belonged to La Otra Banda since 1987 and that have been managed by the Municipal Council of Verón-Punta Cana.

Among the sectors that Rodriguez maintains should be managed by his district are the El Guateque, Las Dos Jardas, Vallegina, Cristinita, Doble Vía, Villa La Fe, Casita Bella, Los Manantiales neighborhoods, and the Ciudad La Palma and Don Rogelio residential areas.

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