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MADRID. Dozens of people from different parts of the world have gathered in Madrid to participate in the International Tourism Fair (FITUR) 2025. The Dominican Republic Stand has been one of the points of greatest attraction, with visitors enjoying the cultural and tourist experiences that the country offers.
Journalist Oscar Quezada, part of the special team of the EB Media Group, reported an atmosphere full of diversity and enthusiasm, with attendees touring the venue to learn about the latest developments in the global tourism sector. Like every year, the EB Media Group carries out special coverage of the event, reaffirming its commitment to tourism and cultural promotion.
By patty de la cruz
Journalist graduated in Social Communication with a mention in Journalism, at the Organization and Methods University (O&M). He writes for the printed newspapers Bávaro News and El Tiempo RD. He completed a Diploma in International Relations and Political Communication. He also took a Professional Voiceover course, endorsed by INFOTEP. Lover of good music and the beach.