rewrite this title In the new changes in public administration, the IAD will be under the Ministry of Agriculture

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PUNTA CANA. The Dominican Agrarian Institute will operate under the guidelines of the Ministry of Agriculture, while the Dominican Institute of Agricultural Investment will absorb the National Council of Agricultural Research, according to the new plan for mergers of public institutions, presented by the Government, a proposal that will be studied by the National Congress.

Another of the mergers is that of the Presidential Commission for Support to Provincial Development (Fonvivienda) and Familia Feliz, which will become an integral part of the Ministry of Housing.

The Government also intends to merge the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (MESCYT) with the Ministry of Education, while the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of the Presidency will disappear to become the Administrative Secretariat, under the Presidency.

In short, the Government, which with these moves seeks to save RD$25 billion, announced the merger of five ministries and the elimination of eight institutions. According to the Government, these resources that will be saved will be used to invest in education, health, infrastructure and citizen security.

President Luis Abinader, participating in his weekly meeting with the press, explained that the “process begins today, although 80% of these changes require approval from Congress.”

“Less expenses, more efficiency,” said the president at the meeting at the National Palace, where he was accompanied by ministers José M. Vicente, Sigmund Freund, Pável Isa; advisor Darío Castillo and the director of Internal Revenue (DGII), Luis Valdez.

Likewise, the president explained that the Economic Dining Halls will be an integral part of the Presidential Plan against Poverty; while the National Authority for Maritime Affairs will merge with the National Authority for Maritime Affairs with the National Aquarium to form the Oceanographic Institute.

“Strategic eliminations” is how the president defined the disappearances of the Savings Bank for Workers and the Monte de Piedad, the Sectoral Commission for the Reform and Modernization of the Agricultural Sector, the Dominican Development Council Abroad (Condex), the National Council of Population and Family and the Presidential Commission for Port Modernization and Security.

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