rewrite this title INTRANT and Adecla discuss regulation of workers' transportation in Punta Cana

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Punta Cana. In order to address the problems related to the transportation of construction workers in Verón-Punta Cana, the director of the National Institute of Transit and Land Transport (Intrant), Milton Teófilo Morrison, held a meeting with the directors of the Association of Developers and Builders of the Province of La Altagracia (Adecla).

The meeting, held in this tourist district, focused on finding alternatives to improve mobility in one of the fastest growing areas of the country.

“Faced with a situation that they have presented to us, where they need the help of Intrant, to resolve the issue of transportation in the area with the greatest growth in construction, we have come to listen to the proposals they have made so that, as the governing body, we can present them with options on how we can collaborate, so that the development of construction in the area continues, and that it is within the framework of Law 63-17, and that all development continues to flow,” declared Milton Morrison.

He also said that they met with the association and the directors to learn about the reality of the area, create a working group and, together with them and the transport sector, both from the tourist area and from the province of La Altagracia, find a solution.

“We met last week with engineer Morrison and his team in Santo Domingo, and they gave us answers very quickly. We are very grateful that they came this week,” said Adecla president Cristian Medina.

He also explained that, as a resident of the area, he experiences the same traffic situations. Complaints from residents of the Verón-Punta Cana area about the traffic chaos that occurs on the main roads in the area are increasing every day.

Therefore, Cristian Medina stressed that the solution is to find something that can be done together to make the routes work better and help reduce congestion. “And when we move the transportation of passengers and workers, which is specifically what concerns us, we move them on a more efficient route with buses and larger vehicles, we will have fewer vehicles on the street, and fewer vehicles will mean fewer problems with traffic jams in the area,” Medina indicated.

He added that last Friday's meeting marked the beginning of this work plan, “and I think that in the coming weeks we should be having more meetings and seeing what options we have. In the coming months, we should already feel this improvement in traffic in the area, as a result of the meetings we have and the plan that is made.”

Intrant and Adeclar have committed to finding a mobility solution to prevent this practice, which endangers the lives of construction workers, from continuing.


Every day, the tourist area of ​​Verón-Punta Cana experiences accelerated growth, which brings with it a considerable increase in vehicular flow. The available alternate routes are no longer sufficient to support the number of vehicles circulating, especially during rush hour.

In particular, the district is congested by dozens of vehicles, both heavy and light, which, combined with the narrowness of the streets, contributes to traffic congestion. This situation is especially critical in the morning, between 6:00 and 9:00 a.m., when most people are commuting to work, creating a huge traffic jam.

Barceló Avenue, the Verón-Punta Cana Highway and the entrance to Verón, near Guateque, are packed with buses looking for passengers and workers entering and leaving the area. The problem is not limited to the mornings, since in the afternoons, starting at 5:00 p.m., the situation is repeated when employees return to their homes, causing traffic chaos again.

The current road infrastructure is clearly not prepared to handle this constant increase in traffic, which underlines the urgent need to find effective solutions, such as widening streets or creating new routes, to improve mobility in this important tourist area.

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