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CAP CANA.- The Association of Multiple Banks of the Dominican Republic (ABA) successfully held the first version of its ABA GOLF CUP tournament, with the participation of 120 players, including banking executives, executives from the financial sector and other companies in the country who met at the Punta Espada golf course in Cap Cana, La Altagracia province.

Pamela Castillo, Director of Communication and Marketing of the ABA, was in charge of welcoming those present, representing Rosanna Ruiz, president of the banking association. She said that the occasion marks a milestone in the financial sector and that the intention is for it to become a tradition that fosters brotherhood, beyond multiple banking.

For his part, Jorge Subero Medina, executive president of Cap Cana, thanked the organizers for choosing the location for the first edition of the sporting event. In this context, he highlighted that the banking sector has been closely linked to the development of Dominican tourism and, very especially, to the so-called “Destination City”, as the tourist and real estate complex is called.

Alexis Santana, Jorge Subero Medina, Pamela Castillo, Manuel González and Alberto Adams. (External source).

Manuel González, Technical Director of the ABA, then took charge of the kick-off that formally started the tournament, which had the technical assistance of the Dominican Golf Federation (FEDOGOLF).

The ABA GOLF CUP tournament was organized in coordination with the companies Golf View and COCO & CO. and offered participants a suitable space for this sport, which was held in a scramble format for couples divided into three categories, the ABA reported in a press document.

Golfers received sports equipment, enjoyed rewarding experiences, live music, raffles, special prizes and other amenities sponsored by the brands EQUIFAX, Sophos, Banreservas, BHD, Banco Popular, Banco Santa Cruz, Deloitte, Cap Cana, Mastercard, KPMG, Banco ADEMI, BDO, JMMB, AFI Universal, Visa, Banesco, CEVALDOM, Scotiabank and other sponsors.

The winners

At the end of the day, Richard Stefan and Stefano Stefan were awarded in a ceremony as the champions of the first edition of the ABA GOLF CUP, who totaled 64 strokes to achieve the Best Gross Score; while the pair formed by Manuel Lehoux and Rodolfo Marranzini achieved the Best Net Score of the event, with 59 strokes.

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Tournament participants. (External source).

In Category A, Franklin Escalona and Raimundo Perelló took first place; while Category B was led by Federico Lebrón and Raymond de los Santos. Meanwhile, Carlos Valdez and Cristian Alfau were in the lead in Category C of the tournament.

Carlos Alberto Ortega Hidalgo received special mentions for the longest drive and Joel Brito for the most accurate drive. The best pin approaches were achieved by Victor Mella and Federico Lebrón, whose performance was also outstanding at the event.

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