rewrite this title The healing power of Omega 3 in people suffering from cancer

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PUNTA CANA. The anti-inflammatory power of Omega 3 is seen by many doctors as an alternative to combat cancer cells.

Dr. Bartolomé Ángel Grillo, 86 years old, is known for his charisma and his tendency to speak about himself in the third person, similar to some football players. From a young age, Grillo stood out, claiming to be “the number one of all the arteries in the body” and thanking him for having taken the reins of the Republic of Parva Domus 15 years ago, preventing opportunists from taking over the area. He even attended to his own faculty professors.

This researcher's career is full of achievements and recognitions, which justifies his pride. His extensive 16-page curriculum vitae includes titles such as Doctor, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, Neuroradiologist, Vascular Radiologist, specialist in Computed Tomography and Therapeutic Angiology. He has presented 120 scientific research papers, of which he has published 60.

One of his most notable achievements occurred in 1985, when he traveled to Antarctica to investigate penguins in search of solutions to combat arteriosclerosis. There, he observed that penguins were feeding on krill, a small crustacean rich in Omega 3. Grillo discovered that the Omega 3 in krill has superior properties to those in fish: it keeps the blood more fluid, acts as an anticoagulant, reduces bad cholesterol, increases good cholesterol and is a powerful anti-inflammatory. Portal Montevideo

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