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Cana tip; Journalism is a noble and honorable trade, but it is not exempt from dilemmas. There are times when the search for the news faces us to uncomfortable realities and forces us to question our own limits. One of them is when we have to write about the pain of others. Covering a funeral is one of the most difficult and compromising assignments for any reporter.

How far can we approach the mourners without becoming intruders of their suffering? The medium sends us with a precise order: to capture the atmosphere and obtain testimonies that synthesize the feeling of the afflicted.

But on the field, professional duty clashes with human sensitivity. Interviewing someone who cries the loss of a loved one, especially if it is a death in tragic circumstances, is cumbersome, because it forces us to walk on the tightrope of informative duty and respect for the duel.

Similar situations occur when we are asked to attend events where we are not welcome. Without wanting, we become uncomfortable witnesses of events that are exclusive.

And that can generate discomfort, misgivings and rejections towards our presence, but we are still there because from the writing they consider that there is a story to tell.

The challenge lies in how to be without seeking invasive; in how to obtain the information without violating the confidence of those who have not invited us. Journalism has an unavoidable responsibility with the truth and public interest, but also with the dignity and privacy of people.

Not everything is justified in the name of the fact with news value or of the scoop. Perhaps the true mastery of the journalistic office lies in knowing when to step back and understand that there are times in which we must act with great wisdom and prudence.

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