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A garbage collection truck in the National District.

The Bill to Modify the General Law of Comprehensive Management and Co-processing of Solid Waste (Law 225-20) establishes a system to unify garbage collection with the electricity bill of electricity distribution companies.

Article 143 establishes that “city councils and municipal district boards will carry out the mandatory collection for urban solid waste collection services through the billing and collection of the electric energy service, guaranteeing the independence of the amounts billed for the provision of each service. according to their real and total costs.”

It indicates that the energy distribution companies must deliver the total amount of these collection and final disposal services to the Sustainable DO Trust, “who, in turn, will be in charge of repayment to the municipalities and municipal district boards.”

It explains that private collection and special waste management agreements will not be included, which will be managed through private contracts.

Last Tuesday, the Senate approved the bill in two readings and it still remains to be heard in the Chamber of Deputies.

The Association of Industries of the Dominican Republic (AIRD), through its executive vice president, Mario Pujols, criticized the surprise approval of the bill without prior consultation with the key actors in the sector.

Since 2021, the Dominican Municipal League has advocated unifying garbage collection with the bills of electricity distributors.

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