Samsung revolutionizes the human experience with accessible Artificial Intelligence

Punta Cana, RD.- Interactions with Artificial Intelligence have become so everyday that we tend to lose sight of the innumerable and varied amount of benefits that we obtain, for example, by just activating a touch command. In that very brief touch that immediately begins a process in the “innards” of a device or electronic equipment and that results in an action that seeks to satisfy us, there is a fascinating and complex ecosystem of processes and tools in constant operation to make our lives more fluid and satisfying everyday life.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken on a vital role and no wonder: its presence has transformed our ways of living, communicating, working, having fun, transporting ourselves, exercising and educating ourselves, among other daily actions, through automated learning of preferences and routines of its users. One of the key purposes of this resource, in which scientific ingenuity has squandered talent to advance more diverse and efficient uses and applications, is the mission of simplifying and/or reducing people’s actions when turning on and operating a mobile device, an appliance, a lighting system, a gaming screen and endless equipment that has technologies powered by AI and automation.

In Samsung ElectronicsOur cutting-edge technologies focus on improving the quality of life of our customers. We not only focus on the present, but also look to the future. We carefully analyze the tastes, preferences, habits and needs of our users to continually enrich our products and services. By integrating the advanced capabilities of Artificial Intelligence, we strive to innovate and optimize the design of our solutions, ensuring they bring significant and personalized value to the lives of each customer.

Our company’s investment in this area has been strategically focused on optimizing the attributes of the products our users enjoy and, at the same time, offering them new and exclusive hyperconnected experiences to make their lives easier, more sustainable and more inclusive. At Samsung we firmly believe that to achieve this objective, the use of AI is powerfully useful and even, in our range of products and services, there are solutions that successfully demonstrate this.

These advances include SmartThings Energy, which is part of the Samsung Smarthings app; AI Energy Mode, which monitors the energy use of connected appliances and automatically optimizes their operation to reduce consumption; the Bespoke Jet AI vacuum cleaner, which applies an intelligent algorithm to deliver the optimal suction power and brush roll speed tailored to the specific cleaning environment; the Bespoke AI washing machine with technology such as AI Ecobubble, which optimizes washing performance with bubbles to help detergents penetrate fabrics better; and the AI-based Nightography feature that allows Galaxy smartphone users to create vivid night photos in low light.

The future is full of promise with our recent announcement: Galaxy AI. This advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) experience for mobile represents a qualitative leap, combining the sophisticated AI developed by Samsung, on the device, with the powerful AI in the cloud, the result of our alliances with industry leaders. Among the new features that will soon be available is the AI Live Translate Call service, integrated into the new Galaxy AI phone. This service acts as a personal translator in real time, for both audio and text, while you speak. Without a doubt, we are on the threshold of revolutionary experiences that will define a new era in mobile AI.

Today and in the immediate future, Samsung’s investment in AI and automation goes beyond taking advantage of the primary meaning of this tool, which is to create technologies that emulate processes typical of human intelligence. At Samsung, we seek to ensure that our AI-based services and operations support our sustainability commitments, promote accessibility, and protect people’s privacy and security. In addition, they free people from routine and repetitive tasks so that they spend more time on more satisfying tasks, creative challenges and other edifying activities; and, consequently, improve every facet of users’ lives. Technology always has to be increasingly closer and more similar to people. AI must be at the service of this task. And at Samsung we will continue creating technologies to honor this maxim.

By Zezihno Lee, President of Samsung Central America and the Caribbean

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