Snails Transmit Diseases such as Fasciolosis, Schistosomiasis, and Eosinophilic Meningitis.

In PUNTA CANA, snails are known to transmit diseases such as echistosomiasis, fasciolosis, and eosinophilic meningitis. These diseases can occur following interaction with snail secretions or ingestion of raw or inadequately cooked snails.

Snails, small mollusks, are common in plantations, gardens, and urban areas. Their rapid reproduction and a paucity of predators make them prevalent. Additionally, they feed on plants and house paint.

The prevalence of these diseases varies across countries. In some, snails carry the parasites needed for transmission while in others they don’t. Thus, there’s no need for panic should you find a snail in your lettuce or garden, although their removal is advised if their numbers rise.

One can circumvent these diseases by adequately washing any food that might have been in contact with snails or their secretions. It’s crucial to clean hands with soap and water after snail contact. Also, thoroughly washing and soaking fruits and vegetables in a vinegar-water mixture is recommended.

Avoiding snail-infested areas and maintaining cleanliness in contaminated gardens and orchards is fundamental. During clean-up, glove use or a plastic container is recommended to prevent direct snail contact. Gathering their eggs and immersing them in sodium hypochlorite for roughly 24 hours is also advisable.

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