Tourist Areas of the DR to Experience Waves Left Behind by Hurricane Lee

SANTO DOMINGO. The dangerous Hurricane Lee, category 5, is advancing towards the northwest of the Caribbean, with winds of up to 270 kilometers per hour. No one wants to be in that monster’s way!

According to the trajectory of meteorological agencies, Hurricane Lee will pass on Sunday and Wednesday over Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, respectively.

In the case of the Dominican Republic, Lee’s eye will pass 700 kilometers north of Punta Cana and 600 to the Samana two of the tourist links of Quisqueya.

Effects of Hurricane Lee in Punta Cana

It would be too far away to cause direct damage, but technicians who study the atmospheric phenomenon project that it will leave abnormal waves of up to 12 feet from Saona Island to Montecristi.

Until now, the National Meteorological Office (Onamet) has indicated whether its wide cloud field will leave rain in those areas.

Consequently, the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) could issue some type of alert, such as suspending activities on the beaches and limiting excursions to Saona Island. The latter is the most preferred attraction for tourists, with five thousand visits every day.

In summary, Hurricane Lee does not represent a danger to the Caribbean islands, as it passes towards open waters without a defined direction.

In September the newspaper criticized the hurricane season. By 2023, despite the El Niño phenomenon, characterized by strong droughts, several strong hurricanes are expected, due to the warming of the water in the Atlantic Ocean, with up to 30 degrees Celsius.

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