Landslides, Overflowing Rivers, and Heavy Rain Cause 33 Deaths Across the Country

Landslides, Overflowing Rivers, and Heavy Rain Cause 33 Deaths Across the Country

The constant and heavy rains that have affected the country since last Friday have brought mourning to dozens of Dominican families with almost thirty deaths.

Until the early afternoon hours of this Sunday, the most affected municipality is Santo Domingo Oeste with 14 of 33 deaths.

Five of the deaths in the aforementioned municipality occurred inside a SUV when its travelers drowned, while three other people also died from asphyxiation, trapped in their residence in Manoguayabo, when, as a result of the fall of a wall, the water gathered. without giving him time to leave.

The authorities also reported a person who drowned in his car in Cañada de Manoguayabo, on the street that connects that community with Hato Nuevo.

The preliminary information was offered by Fausto Jiménez, director of the Civil Defense, who also reported the death of two other people in the Café de Herrera, as a result of a wall that collapsed due to the downpours.

Among the deceased reported after noon are a man and two women, preliminarily identified as Altagracia, Dariza and Morillo, all of legal age, swept away by a landslide in the Bellas Colinas sector, also in Santo Domingo Oeste.

The man and the two women died at 9:00 pm on Saturday when, as a result of the intense rains, a landslide occurred that affected four people. One could be rescued alive.

The other deceased, in Manoguayabo, was a minor who was electrocuted, Jiménez indicated. The minor’s information is still unknown.

Doctor who was going to celebrate a birthday, among 9 dead on Avda. February 27

Yesterday, nine deaths occurred when people were trapped in several vehicles below the remains of the wall of the slope of 27 de Febrero Avenue with Máximo Gómez who succumbed.

The former director of the National Health Service, Chanel Rosa, reported that among those killed in the slope is Dr. Eduardo Cabrera, “who was returning from the airport with some friends who arrived from Puerto Rico to celebrate a birthday in Punta Cana.”

“They all died on February 27 with Gomez,” Rosa posted on X, former .

At the end of the rescue operations, the Fire Department reported that five female and four male bodies were found among the deceased.

Wall collapse on February 27 Avenue leaves nine dead

“These are five vehicles in which we recovered nine bodies, five female and four male,” said the head of the Fire Department, José Luis Frómeta Herasme.

The remains of the last five deceased were recovered around 10:30 p.m. and were extracted from a single car.

At the moment, among those who died on 27 de Febrero Avenue were identified, in addition to the doctor, María Nereida Martínez, who was pregnant for three months, and her husband (his name was not identified). They were joined by the couple made up of Ramón Martínez and Awilda Sánchez, who were the parents of the pregnant woman. Also Omar Méndez Avilés and his daughter Solange Méndez

Another victim whose vehicle was dragged in Higüey

In the Higüey municipality, a person lost his life when the vehicle in which he was traveling along with other people was swept away by the waters of the Santa Clara stream in that city.

The fatal victim has been identified as Anabel Núñez Jiménez, 19 years old. Her health condition is unknown among the survivors.

He died while trying to warn the community of danger

In Sabana Larga, in the province of San José de Ocoa, they mourn Gregorio Salvador Castillo Ortiz, a 32-year-old young man, who died after the collapse of the Las Vacas bridge in the same community.

The young man was an employee of the City Council and lived near the bridge. At around 3:00 in the morning on Saturday, he was preparing to sound the alarm to the community due to movements and prolonged sinkholes that were being left by the increase in the flow of Arroyo Las Vacas.

He stood up to help his community in Ocoa and the collapse of a bridge ended his life
At that time in the morning there were about 15 people on the passage and when he fell from one end, most managed to save their lives, but Gregorio went away with the collapse, the deceased’s family reported.

Two dead in Barahona

A man died when a wall fell on him in the area where he lived near the “Don Américo Melo” municipal cemetery, in Barahona, and was identified as Camilo Sánchez,

Haitian national Sansale Oguile, 50 years old, also died, swept away by the overflowing of the Los Arroyos River last Saturday afternoon in Polo, Barahona. Both deaths were reported to Diario Libre by journalist Omar Medina.

Wall kills a young woman in La Zurza, National District

Dahiana Heredia, 20 years old, lost her life after being crushed when a house under construction fell on her room, made of boards and zinc, in the La Zurza sector, in the National District.

He left two girls, 6 and 2 years old, orphaned.

The incident occurred at approximately 7:30 p.m. The victim was in her house since 5:00 pm, protected after the alerts issued by the authorities.

Given the incident, the local community members reported that no state authority came to aid due to the disaster or the floods, which caused Dahiana’s body to remain crushed for hours without being removed.

They expressed that the authorities “did very little” for the rescue work and that they felt helped by a police officer who lives nearby and who collaborated with the rescue.

Woman dies after vehicle is swept away by flooding of the Yuna River

A bus was swept away with three people on board by the strong current in the lower reaches of the Yuna River, on the northeastern section of the Guaraguao-Arenoso highway, Duarte province. A woman died in the event.

At the moment the name of the victim is unknown, while the other two who were in the vehicle were rescued alive by a community member.

The information offered by the man who said his name was José Antonio Paredes alias (Jack Veneno), indicates that he could not save the woman because she was entangled in some barbed wire, the kind used to fence palisades in the fields.

«They were going there on the bus, and when they got there, the bus reversed and they didn’t have time to do anything and they left, I threw myself over here and took the woman out and hooked her in a guama bush, the I couldn’t get another one out because it was inside the wires.

The strong current of the river occupied the aforementioned stretch of road since it was overflowing as a result of the rains caused by the disturbance that affected the country on Friday and Saturday.

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