Leonel claims that Luis Abinader has cheated the people

After concluding an extensive tour of five provinces in the Eastern region, the president of the Fuerza del Pueblo party and leader of the Dominican political opposition, stated that the people feel frustrated and cheated by the government of Luis Abinader, because they He promised a change and what there has been is a setback.

The Dominican politician stated that during his tour, he felt the support of the people towards the Fuerza del Pueblo, and at the same time, the repudiation of the current government administration, headed by Luis Abinader, due to the immense number of unfulfilled promises.

“The people spoke,” said the candidate for the presidency of the Republic for Fuerza del Pueblo and several political organizations, after the support received during his tour, where he led several marches-caravans in Consuelo, Hato Mayor, El Seibo, Higüey and The Roman.

In La Romana, due to the immense number of people who took to the streets to support Leonel Fernández, the political leader and former president had to speak, from the vehicle, accompanied by the candidate for senator of this province, Edward Espiritusanto.

At that time, Fernández was also accompanied by the candidate for Mayor of the municipality of La Romana, Amarilis Santana, as well as Bianca Vanderhorst, candidate for director of the Caleta municipal district, and Mariano Jazmín (El Cacique), candidate for mayor of Beautiful villa.

Fernández arrived in La Romana, from the municipality of Higüey, where he also led a massive march-caravan.

In this activity he was accompanied by Juan Julio Campos, leader of the PLD, and Yonina Barriola, from Fuerza del Pueblo, who are the candidates for senator for the province of La Altagracia, and for Mayor of the municipality of Higüey, respectively, for the Rescate alliance. RD, as well as Crucito Báez, candidate for district director of Verón-Punta Cana.

When speaking before his followers, and in the presence of leaders and members of the Juntos Podemos coalition, Fernández said that the PRM and Luis Abinader promised change “and what we have had is a great setback.”

In that sense, the opposition leader gave security and guaranteed that with the People's Force, with the Dominican Liberation Party and with everything that the alliance of the Dominican opposition means, “from regression we will return to progress.”

He also said that due to the setback in which the current authorities have plunged the country, he had seen when passing through Consuelo, Hato Mayor, El Seibo, and in the province of La Altagracia, that everyone assumed the same slogan that led him to power in 2004 that “it's the way they go”.

The presidential candidate of the FP and allied parties, from the early hours of Saturday morning, made an extensive proselytizing tour through five main provinces of the East, starting in the municipality of Consuelo (in San Pedro de Macorís), and continuing through Hato Mayor, El Seibo, La Altagracia and concluding in La Romana.

Fernández was concerned about the state of abandonment that predominates in those provinces, establishing comparisons between the government administrations he has presided over and the current one, presided over by Abinader.

The opposition leader highlighted that when governing the nation, he fulfilled the promises made, contrary to Luis Abinader's government, whose main characteristic is not fulfilling his responsibilities as ruler.

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