Real Estate: JAC Introduces Air Link between Prague and Punta Cana, Commencing November

SANTO DOMINGO. – The Civil Aviation Board (JAC) has announced a new air route between Prague and Punta Cana, starting on November 1, 2023. The route is a result of the air transport agreement signed between the Dominican Republic and the Czech Republic in June of this year.

The JAC stated in a press release that they have approved the requests for new operations that will attract passengers from non-traditional destinations such as the Czech Republic to the Dominican Republic.

In the seventeenth ordinary session of the plenary session, José Ernesto Marte Piantini, the president of the JAC, announced that the foreign operator WORLD 2 FLY has requested a Special Permit to operate flights on the Prague/Punta Cana/Prague route starting on November 1, 2023.

José Ernesto Marte Piantini, the president of the JAC. (External source).

During the session, the president of the organization also informed the members that the Prague/Punta Cana/Prague route is not included in any operating permit or economic authorization certificate.

Marte Piantini emphasized that “expanding commercial aviation in the country, especially towards strategic European markets, is a reality.”

The members of the plenary session were also informed about the Code Share request for operations between Air Europa and Turkish Airlines on the Madrid/Santo Domingo/Madrid route. Air Europa will be the effective operator, while Turkish Airlines will be the market operator. The operations are scheduled to commence on October 29, 2023.

The plenary session also discussed the Code Share request from Air Europa and Etihad Airways to operate on the Madrid/Santo Domingo/Madrid route. Air Europa will be the operator, and Etihad will be the market operator. These operations are set to begin on October 29, 2023.

Finally, Marte Piantini reported that the Civil Aviation Board has authorized seasonal operations to expand air transport services to and from Europe. Air Europa and Etihad Airways will operate on the Madrid/Santo Domingo/Madrid route, with connecting flights from Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. Additionally, Air Europa and Turkish Airlines will operate on the Madrid/Santo Domingo/Madrid route, with connecting flights from Istanbul.

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