Ten Advantages of Becoming a Neuroleader

Any company is a scenario where interpersonal relationships play a decisive factor in achieving business objectives, since we are aware that the differential value of products and/or services no longer lies in themselves, but in how they are offered to customers who consume them.

The above makes it very clear that the employee’s performance will influence the interpretation and subsequent generation of value that the client makes of the hotel product and its associated service. It is known that there is a highly determining factor in the final performance or behavior expressed by an employee towards clients: the degree of relationship established with their leader, since it has been demonstrated that a large percentage of workers who choose to leave their jobs do so due to dysfunctional relationships with them.

One of the great challenges for any leader in a company is to achieve adequate relational management that allows them to make those they lead want to do the tasks that need to be done in order to achieve the proposed objectives.

Neuroleadership is therefore a valuable tool that offers leaders valuable vectors of information from Applied Neurosciences that will allow them to:

1-Understand that the leader is above all a source of generating attentionally significant sensory stimuli for those he leads, so he will always be at the center of their attentional focus.

2-Understand that these stimuli will be evaluated by them, generating two types of specific responses: aversive (rejection) or appetitive (acceptance).

3-Understand that the type of response generated will depend on the construct or mental scheme of those led, which is unique and different for each of them.

4-Understand that this mental construct is conditioned by the previous experiences that each leader has had.

5-Understand that each person you lead has a system of representation of their reality that does not always coincide with that of the leader and this will condition the degree or level of communication and therefore the relationship between the two.

6-Understand that behind each behavior manifested by those led there lies a positive intention or secondary gain.

7-Understand that the brain circuits involved in motivation and reward are the same, so the existence of both is exclusive.

8-Understand that the behaviors expected from those you lead emerge more easily in conditions of atmospheres that are emotionally congruent with them.

9-Understand that those you lead are not only hard-working beings, but that they are mainly human beings who go to the company to work.

10-Understand that those you lead have objectives in their lives which must coincide with business objectives so that they can commit to them.

The transformation of the leader into a neuroleader is achieved when he is able to understand that his role is to guide a set of body-brain-mind units (led) that interact in a specific environment (company) towards the achievement of objectives, which they must be presented as highly salient (attentionally relevant) and rewarding sensory stimuli.

On the other hand, the level or degree of relationship that the neuroleader can achieve with those he leads has an individual character since he must know what the personality of each of them is in order to establish leadership styles that suit each one.

Neuroleadership represents a great advantage for every leader as it allows them to establish systems of valid, lasting and transparent relationships with those they lead, making the path to meeting business objectives easier and more sustainable, opening the doors to success.

By: Osvaldo Torres special for

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