The 2023 Edition of FITUR Awards Recognizes Outstanding Stands and Proposals

Madrid, Spain.- FITUR has held its traditional ceremony to present the XLIII Awards for the Best Stands; the IV SUSTAINABLE STAND AWARDS; the XXVIII Active Tourism Awards, and the XXIV FITUR-Jorge Vila Fradera Tribune Award, all of them corresponding to its 2023 edition. The decision of the respective juries took place within the framework of FITUR 2023, held last January, at IFEMA MADRID.

The objective of these awards is to promote excellence and innovation in the tourism sector and means recognition of all those professionals, institutions and companies that are an example of talent and a source of inspiration, and that, thanks to their good work, They stand out for their valuable contribution to the promotion of the tourism industry.

Therefore, the efforts of companies, professionals and institutions to enhance the image of the sector through the design of their stands have been rewarded; to the work of the FITUR exhibiting companies to express in their stands their vocation to align with the Sustainable Development Goals, in terms of environmental, economic and social impact; to the creation of new products that diversify the tourist offer by providing unique experiences to the traveler that link with unique territories and resources, and to the academic research work that allows promoting the evolution of this market from knowledge and analysis.

The delivery ceremony, sponsored this year by Ecuador, a FITUR 2024 Partner Country, was chaired by the Secretary of State for Tourism, Rosana Morillo, and was attended, among other authorities, by the Minister of Tourism of Ecuador, Niels Olsen. ; the Ambassador of the Republic of Ecuador in Spain, Andrés Vallejo Arcos, the President of the Executive Committee of IFEMA Madrid, Jose Vicente de los Mozos, the Undersecretary of Promotion of the Ministry of Tourism of Ecuador, Diego Fernando Andrade Murtinho, and the President of the Committee Organizer of FITUR and president of Iberia, Fernando Candela Pérez, among other authorities

These awards recognize the professionalism, design and promotion of each of the featured stands, assessing their suitability to marketing needs, identification with the product they promote, design, quality, aesthetic impact, and degree of originality and innovation.

In the category of Autonomous Communities and Institutions, the notable stands were Euskadi Basque Country, Government of Cantabria and La Rioja Turismo. On the other hand, in the Countries and Regions category, FITUR has awarded the stands of Andorra Turisme, Guatemala and Korea Tourism Organization. and in the Business category the recognitions went to Iberia, Mastercard and Paradores.

IV Fitur Sustainable Stand Awards

Organized with the collaboration of the Institute of Responsible Tourism (ITR), the FITUR Sustainable Stand Awards distinguished 6 stands this year: ILLES BALEARS, VISITPORTUGAL, TURISMO DE GALICIA, REGION OF MURCIA – COSTA CÁLIDA, MASTERCARD, and TURISMO ANDALUZ. These recognitions also highlight the work that IFEMA MADRID has been doing for some years to improve the impact of its activity on the social and natural environment that surrounds it, transferring these values ​​to the exhibitors, companies and visitors who participate in the fairs and events held at their venues.

XXVIII Best Active Tourism Product Awards

Likewise, FITUR together with AireLibre Magazine, award each year the Awards for the Best Active Tourism Product dedicated to promoting the development and marketing of the tourism industry, with the focus on the promotion of proposals in adventure tourism, culture, nature, food and wine, technological development, accessibility and environment. The jury made up of end consumers, tourism professionals, media and representatives of the tourism sector highlighted in this edition the high quality of the proposals presented by the exhibitors and co-exhibitors of FITUR 2023.

In the national category, the award was given to Mountain Bike Experiences that have highlighted an entire territory, in the Sobrarbe Region (Aragón); Hiking with donkeys in the Ricote Valley (History, culture, protecting donkeys. Trails along the banks of the Segura River and Route of the Norias de Abarán), in the Puerta del Valle de Ricote (Murcia); and River ecotourism – Sil and Miño by kayak, in Galicia. Added to them, in the international category, is Kumano kodo: Follow in the footsteps of the samurai on an ancient pilgrimage through the forest. Kii Peninsula (Wakayama Prefecture, Japan); Mayan World multi-destination tourism. Community tourism and segments are developed (Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico); and International Roots Festival (Gambia).

XXIV FITUR-Jorge Vila Fradera Tribune Award

Control and inspection activity of the public administration on housing for tourist use. Automation challenges and proposals” is the work of Pilar Juana García Saura, who was winner of the 24th edition of the FITUR Jorge Vila Fradera Tribuna Award. The objective of this call is to select an unpublished research work on tourism, edit it and disseminate its edition in the academic and training world. The award, granted by FITUR, in collaboration with the Spanish Association of Tourism Experts, AECIT, recognizes each year the best academic research work related to the tourism sector.

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