Professionals to converge at the Caribbean Orange Forum, discussing the intersection of orange economy, tourism, and sustainability

Professionals to converge at the Caribbean Orange Forum, discussing the intersection of orange economy, tourism, and sustainability

Foro Caribe Naranja PanelistasRecognized national and international professionals in the areas of culture, orange economy, tourism and sustainability will be the panelists and speakers of the Third Orange Caribbean Forum organized by the Switch | Havas and SIP Group.

Foro Caribe Naranja logo 2This Wednesday, October 4, Noelia Merejo, Liza Arzeno and Carlos Núñez will be part of the conversation table in the panel Innovative brands and products that promote cultural and sustainable tourism, in which they will be moderated by the publicist and marketer Eduardo Valcárcel, in a exchange of ideas and experiences about companies and entrepreneurs that have embraced sustainability as a fundamental part of their operations, creating authentic tourist experiences that are respectful of the environment.

Jake Kheel, an expert in sustainability and vice president of the Grupo Puntacana Foundation, will be in charge of the Cultural and Sustainable Tourism Leader panel, revealing his experience and describing his role in promoting responsible tourism practices and creating a model of business that balances economic development with the conservation of cultural heritage and respect for the environment. The communicator Jessica Hasbún will be in the role of moderator.

Foro Caribe Naranja logoAlso, during the third Caribbean Orange Forum, the blue economy, sustainability and efficiency consultant, Juan Bauzá-Bayrón, will give the keynote lecture Orange Economy as the axis of the interdependencies of sustainable economic development.

Likewise, professionals Kenneth Martí, Luis Molina and Francisco García will be part of this conference, in the panel Banking as a driver of cultural and sustainable tourism, to explore how financial institutions can be strategic partners in tourism projects that promote the preservation of heritage. cultural, the development of the creative industry and the sustainability of destinations. This panel will be moderated by Huáscar Jiménez, economic consultant at the Central Bank.

Likewise, the lawyer and executive vice president of the National Council of Private Enterprise (CONEP), César Dargam, will moderate the interventions of Isabel Piñero, Sigmund Freund and Julissa Rosario, in the panel Economic development through sustainable tourism, in the who will discuss how cultural and creative industries can play a crucial role in promoting sustainable tourism destinations. From the conservation of cultural heritage to the creation of authentic experiences and the participation of local communities.

On the other hand, Enrique Avogadro, Minister of Culture of the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, will offer the keynote conference The creative economy as a strategic opportunity for development. The case of the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

José Grateraux, CEO of Switch | Havas, reiterated that the objective of this third edition of the Caribbean Orange Forum, which is developed with the theme Orange Economy energizing sustainable tourism, is to socialize tourism experiences and products that are anchored in the natural and cultural heritage of the Dominican Republic, as well as present actors and leaders of the tourism ecosystem who promote innovative practices in the creative economy.

The participation of the Minister of Culture, Milagros Germán, and of Industry, Commerce and MSMEs, Víctor Bisonó Haza, who will lead the ceremony together with the organizers and producers of the forum, Arlette Palacio, Pamela Pitizia, José Grateraux and Ángel Rosario.

To see the program agenda you can go to Orange Caribbean Forum 2023

Caribbean Orange Forum

Caribbean Orange Forum is an initiative that is carried out with the objective of making visible and placing on the public agenda the issues that address the Orange Economy and the Creative Industries in the country and the Caribbean region, highlighting the different actors that make up this sector and its important contribution to the economy and above all to the direct impact on the quality of life of the communities.

This platform is made up of three projects that are developed throughout the year. La Silla Naranja, which is a seasonal series that aims to give visibility to different actors who belong to the country’s creative and cultural industries, who through their visions and stories demonstrate the potential that our country has to continue positioning itself as a reference. Caribbean creative.

Conexión Naranja is the second platform of Caribe Naranja, which consists of specific conversations that facilitate the exchange of ideas, with the participation of experts and personalities from different unions of the creative industry, who share their visions and experiences.

For more information and registration, interested people can visit

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